This tool is provided ‘As Is’. Esprida assumes no responsibility for the operation of this tool and does not warranty its functionality in anyway. Please test the functionality of this tool in a secure, non-production environment before it is deployed to production devices.

This script creates a detailed listing of the files in a specified folder.

It generates a comma delimited file with the following information:

Parent folder

File Name

File creation date

Date file last modified

File Size
It takes 2 arguements:

Argument 1: File Name

The name provided will be appended with “_SUCCESS.txt”

Arguement 2: Folder Path

The path should start with “C:\” and not terminate with a “\”The script will return a file ending in “” and starting with the filename provided to the script. This file will be copied to the \custom_actions_results\ folder where the Esprida LiveControl Agent was installed.

The script will return a file ending in “_FAILURE.txt” and starting with the filename provided to the script if either argument s not provided or the folder does not exist.